7NIH/NINDS R01NS097658-03 Miguel A. Perez-Pinzon (PI) 6/1/17-5/31/22 Metabolic master regulators for ischemic neuroprotection
James and Esther King Biomedical Research Program, Florida Department of Health-9JK08 Kunjan Dave (PI) 9/2019 – 09/2022 Nicotine exposure and intracerebral hemorrhage
NIH/NINDS 2R01NS042133-11A1 W.D. Dietrich (PI)&Miguel A. Perez-Pinzon (Co-I) 4/15/16-3/31/21 Importance of brain temperature on the inflammatory and microvascular consequences of mild TBI
NIH/NINDS R21NS094896 (IGNITE mechanism) Kunjan Dave (PI) R21 phase: 2/1/2016 – 1/31/2017 R33 phase: 2/1/2017 – 7/31/2020 Red blood cell microparticles (RMPs) to reduce bleeding following hemorrhagic stroke.
NIH/NINDS R01 NS34773-19 Miguel A. Perez-Pinzon (PI) 6/1/15-4/30/20 Ischemic Preconditioning: Mechanisms of Neuroprotection
James and Esther King Biomedical Research Program, Florida Department of Health-7JK01 Helen Bramlett(Co-PI) & Ami P. Raval (Co-PI) 03/01/2017- 02/29/2020 Whole body vibrations improves stroke outcome in nicotine-exposed rats
American Heart Association- Grant-in-aid # 16GRNT31300011 Ami P. Raval (PI) 07/01/16- 06/30/2019 Nicotine alters brain oxidative metabolism and exacerbates ischemic brain damage
NIH/NINDS 1R21NS098896-01 Miguel A. Perez-Pinzon (PI) 7/1/16-6/30/18 Decellularized extracellular matrix biomaterials as therapy to ameliorate cerebral ischemia damage
American Heart Association/ASA-Bugher Foundation (14BFSC17690007) Project 2, Miguel A. Perez-Pinzon (PI) 4/1/14-3/31/18 Enriched Environment, Exercise And Neurotherapeutics To Enhance Functional Recovery Following A Stroke.
NIH/NINDS R01 NS45676-08 Miguel A. Perez-Pinzon (PI) 6/1/07-5/31/17 Mechanisms of Neuroprotection against Cardiac Arrest
NIH/NINDS 4R01NS073779 Kunjan Dave (PI) 1/1/12-12/31/17 Increased cerebral ischemic injury by repeated hypoglycemic episodes in diabetes